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  Article 1

  The parties shall be deemed to have made these rules a part of their mediation agreement whenever they have provided for mediation by the Commercial Arbitration and Mediation Center for the Americas (hereinafter referred to as the "administrator") under its mediation rules. These rules, and any amendment of them, shall apply in the form obtained at the time the demand for, or submission to, mediation is received by CAMCA. The parties, by written agreement, may vary the procedures set forth in these rules.

  I. Commencing the Mediation

  Article 2 Notice of Mediation

  1. Any party or parties to a dispute may initiate mediation by filing with the administrator a submission to mediation or a written request for mediation pursuant to these rules, together with the appropriate filing fee. Where there is no submission to mediation or contract providing for mediation, a party may request the administrator to invite another party to join in mediation. Upon receipt of such a request, the administrator will contact the other parties involved in the dispute and attempt to obtain their agreement to mediation.

  2. A request for or submission to mediation shall contain a brief statement of the nature of the dispute, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of all parties to the dispute and their representatives, if any. The initiating party shall simultaneously file two copies of the request with the administrator and one copy with every party to the dispute.

  II. The Mediator

  Article 3 Multi-national Panel of Mediators

  CAMCA shall establish and maintain a multi-national panel of mediators and shall appoint mediators as provided in these rules.

  Article 4 Appointment of Mediator

  1. If the parties have not appointed a mediator and have not mutually agreed on a method of appointment, the administrator shall send simultaneously to each party to the dispute an identical list of names of persons chosen from the multi-national CAMCA panel. Normally, a single mediator will be appointed, unless the parties agree otherwise.

  2. Each party to the dispute shall have twenty (20) days from the transmittal date in which to strike names objected to, number the remaining names in order of preference, and return the list to the administrator. If a party does not return the list within the time specified, all persons named therein shall be deemed acceptable. From among the persons who have been approved on the relevant lists, and in accordance with the designated order of mutual preference, the administrator shall invite the acceptance of a mediator to serve. If the parties fail to agree on any of the persons named, or if acceptable mediators are unable to act, or if for any other reason the appointment cannot be made from the submitted lists, the administrator shall have the power to make the appointment from among other members of the panel without the submission of additional lists. To the extent possible, the administrator will abide by any agreement of the parties regarding the desired qualifications of the mediator.

  Article 5 Challenge of Mediator

  Persons serving as mediators shall be independent and impartial. No person shall serve as a mediator in any dispute in which that person has any financial or personal interest in the matters in dispute between the parties or the result or outcome of the mediation. Prior to accepting an appointment, the prospective mediator shall confirm his/her availability and disclose any circumstance likely to create justifiable doubts as to impartiality or independence. Upon receipt of such information, the administrator shall either replace the mediator or immediately communicate the information to the parties for their comments. In the event that the parties disagree as to whether the mediator shall serve, the administrator will appoint another mediator. The administrator is authorized to appoint another mediator whenever the appointed mediator is unable to serve promptly.

  Article 6 Replacement of Mediator

  If any mediator becomes unwilling or unable to serve or is disqualified, the administrator will appoint another mediator, taking into account the expressed preferences of the parties.

  Article 7 Authority of Mediator

  1. The mediator does not have the authority to impose a settlement on the parties but will seek to assist them in reaching a satisfactory resolution of the dispute.

  The mediator is authorized to conduct joint and separate meetings with the parties and to make oral and written recommendations for settlement. Whenever necessary, the mediator may also obtain expert advice concerning technical aspects of the dispute, provided that the parties agree and bear the costs of obtaining such advice. Arrangements for obtaining such expert advice shall be made by the mediator or the parties, as the mediator shall determine.

  2. The mediator is authorized to end the mediation whenever, in the judgment of the mediator, further efforts at mediation would not contribute to a resolution of the dispute between the parties.[page]

  III. General Conditions

  Article 8 Representation

  1. By agreeing to mediate under these rules, the parties undertake to conduct the mediation in a bona fide and forthright manner and make a serious attempt to resolve the dispute.

  2. Any party may be represented in the mediation. The names, addresses and telephone numbers of such persons shall be communicated in writing to all parties and to the administrator.

  3. The parties shall make every reasonable effort to ensure that their representatives have the necessary authority to settle the dispute.

  Article 9 Date, Time, and Place of Mediation

  The mediator shall fix the date and the time of each mediation session in consultation with the parties.

  The mediation shall be held at any convenient location agreeable to the mediator and the parties, as the mediator shall determine, including the most convenient office of the administrator.

  Article 10 Identification of Matters in Dispute

  1. At least ten (10) days prior to the first scheduled mediation session, each party shall provide the mediator with a brief memorandum setting forth its position with regard to the issues that need to be resolved, its position with respect to these issues and all information reasonably required for the mediator to understand these issues. Such memoranda shall be mutually exchanged by the parties.

  2. The parties will be expected to produce all information reasonably required for the parties and the mediator to understand the issues presented.

  3. The mediator may require any party to supplement such information.

  Article 11 Privacy

  Mediation sessions are private. The parties and their representatives may attend mediation sessions. Other persons may attend only with the permission of the parties and with the consent of the mediator.

  Article 12 Confidentiality

  1. Confidential information disclosed to a mediator by the parties or participants in the course of the mediation shall not be divulged by the mediator. All records, reports or other documents received or made by the mediator while serving in that capacity shall be confidential. The mediator shall not be compelled to divulge such records or to testify in regard to the mediation in any adversarial proceeding or judicial forum.

  2. The parties shall maintain the confidentiality of the mediation and shall not rely on, or introduce as evidence in any arbitral, judicial, or other proceeding:

  (a) views expressed or suggestions made by another party with respect to a possible settlement of the dispute;

  (b)admissions made by a party in the course of the mediation proceedings;

  (c) documents, notes, or other information obtained during the mediation proceeding;

  (d) proposals made or views expressed by the mediator; or,

  (e) the fact that a party had or had not indicated willingness to accept a proposal.

  Article 13 No Stenographic Record

  There shall be no stenographic record of the mediation proceedings.

  Article 14 Termination of Mediation

  The mediation shall be terminated:

  (a) by the execution of a settlement agreement by the parties;

  (b) by a written declaration of the mediator to the effect that further efforts at mediation are no longer worthwhile; or,

  (c) by a written declaration of a party or parties to the effect that the mediation proceedings are terminated.

  Article 15 Mediation Settlement

  Parties who undertake to mediate under these rules agree to carry out any settlement agreement without delay.

  Article 16 Exclusion of Liability

  1. Neither the administrator nor any mediator is a necessary party in judicial proceedings relating to the mediation.

  2. Neither the administrator nor any mediator shall be liable to any party for any act or omission in connection with any mediation conducted under these rules, save that they may be liable for the consequences of conscious and deliberate wrongdoing.

  Article 17 Interpretation and Application of Rules

  The mediator shall interpret and apply these rules insofar as they relate to the mediator's powers and duties. All other rules shall be interpreted and applied by the administrator.

  Article 18 Expenses

  The expenses of any information production shall be paid by the party producing such information. All other expenses of the mediation, including required travel and other expenses of the mediator and representatives of the administrator, and the expenses of any information or expert advice produced at the direct request of the mediator, shall be borne equally by the parties unless they agree otherwise.

  Administrative Fees

  The Filing Fee

  The filing fee payable in U.S. dollars at the time mediation is requested is $500. This fee is to be borne equally or as otherwise agreed by the parties.[page]

  Additionally, the parties are charged a fee based on the mediator's time. It is suggested that parties consult the administrator for applicable rates.

  There is a $150 charge to the filing party where the administrator is requested to invite other parties to join in mediation, which will be applied to the filing fee upon obtaining the parties' agreement to mediate.

  The expenses of the administrator and the mediator, if any, are generally borne equally by the parties. The parties may vary this arrangement by agreement.


  Before the commencement of mediation, the parties shall equally deposit such portion of the fee covering the cost of mediation as the administrator shall direct and all appropriate additional sums that the administrator deems necessary to defray the expenses of the proceeding. When the mediation has terminated, the administrator shall render an accounting and return any unexpended balance to the parties.


  Once the mediation file is opened, no refund of filing fees will be made.

  • 劳动争议案件,应当自劳动争议仲裁委员会受理仲裁申请之日起四十五日内作出裁决。劳动者对仲裁裁决不服的,可以自收到仲裁裁决书之日起十五日内向人民法院提起诉讼。(一)申请与受理当事人申请劳动争议仲裁应当提交书面仲裁申请书。实践中,仲裁申请书应当包括以下内容:1、申请人的姓名、住址和身份证号或者其他身份证件号码以及联系方式;2、被申请人名称、住所以及法定代表人或者主要负责人的姓名、职务等;3、发生争议的事实、申请人的主张和理由等。仲裁委员会在收到申请书后,应在七日内审查作出受理与否的决定。(二)开庭与裁决1、仲裁庭应在开庭前5日内将仲裁庭的组成情况、开庭时间、地点书面通知当事人;2、当事人拒不到庭或未经仲裁庭同意中途退庭的,对申请人按照撤诉处理,对被申请人可以缺席仲裁;3、开庭后应宣布仲裁人员名单,询问是否申请回避;4、然后当事人陈述并辩论,最后进行裁决。注意:劳动争议案件,应当自劳动争议仲裁委员会受理仲裁申请之日起四十五日内作出裁决。劳动者对仲裁裁决不服的,可以自收到仲裁裁决书之日起十五日内向人民法院提起诉讼。期满不起诉的,裁决书发生法律效力。
  • 一般被申请人申请撤销时间是30天,过了30天,劳动者是可以向法院要求强制执行的。《中华人民共和国劳动争议调解仲裁法》第四十九条用人单位有证据证明本法第四十七条规定的仲裁裁决有下列情形之一,可以自收到仲裁裁决书之日起三十日内向劳动争议仲裁委员会所在地的中级人民法院申请撤销裁决:(一)适用法律、法规确有错误的;(二)劳动争议仲裁委员会无管辖权的;(三)违反法定程序的;(四)裁决所根据的证据是伪造的;(五)对方当事人隐瞒了足以影响公正裁决的证据的;(六)仲裁员在仲裁该案时有索贿受贿、徇私舞弊、枉法裁决行为的。人民法院经组成合议庭审查核实裁决有前款规定情形之一的,应当裁定撤销。仲裁裁决被人民法院裁定撤销的,当事人可以自收到裁定书之日起十五日内就该劳动争议事项向人民法院提起诉讼。
  • 一、开发商有权主张解除合同,但是能不能解除不是他说了算。二、这里开发商的理由究竟成不成立的,要分析两种情况:1、如果双方在购房合同条款中,有写到:购房者XX天时间内不接房,致使开发商无法交付,开发商获得单方面的解除权。类似这样的内容,那么属于约定解除合同的情形,开发商获得解除合同的权利。2、如果没有上述条款的约定,那么开发商只能在出现法定解除条件下才能单方面解除合同,这主要是涉及到法学理论,具体就不解释,分析案件的情况好了。开发商在这里是不具体合同的法定解除条件。主要是他是债务人,而购房者也履行了主要义务(付款),这时拥有合同解除权主要是债权人(购房者)而不是开发商。开发商之所以笼统地以:“按《合同法》相关规定相关规定,合同无法履行”来解除合同,是因为他没办法找到理据。三、其实开发商要与消费者单方面解除合同,这和庭上审的内容是一样的,但他不在庭上提出,而是私下解除合同,也不敢说违约,足以说明他理亏。
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