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  WIPO Mediation Rules (1994)

  (Effective from October 1, 1994)

  Abbreviated Expressions

  Article 1

  In these Rules:

  "Mediation Agreement" means an agreement by the parties to submit to mediation all or certain disputes which have arisen or which may arise between them; a Mediation Agreement may be in the form of a mediation clause in a contract or in the form of a separate contract;

  "Mediator" includes a sole mediator or all the mediators where more than one is appointed;

  "WIPO" means the World Intellectual Property Organization;

  "Center" means the WIPO Arbitration Center, a unit of the International Bureau of WIPO;

  Words used in the singular include the plural and vice versa, as the context may require.

  Scope of Application of Rules

  Article 2

  Where a Mediation Agreement provides for mediation under the WIPO Mediation Rules, these Rules shall be deemed to form part of that Mediation Agreement. Unless the parties have agreed otherwise, these Rules as in effect on the date of the commencement of the mediation shall apply.

  Commencement of the Mediation

  Article 3

  (a) A party to a Mediation Agreement that wishes to commence a mediation shall submit a Request for Mediation in writing to the Center. It shall at the same time send a copy of the Request for Mediation to the other party.

  (b) The Request for Mediation shall contain or be accompanied by

  (i) the names, addresses and telephone, telex, telefax or other communication references of the parties to the dispute and of the representative of the party filing the Request for Mediation;

  (ii) a copy of the Mediation Agreement; and

  (iii) a brief statement of the nature of the dispute.

  Article 4

  The date of the commencement of the mediation shall be the date on which the Request for Mediation is received by the Center.

  Article 5

  The Center shall forthwith inform the parties in writing of the receipt by it of the Request for Mediation and of the date of the commencement of the mediation.

  Appointment of the Mediator

  Article 6

  (a) Unless the parties have agreed themselves on the person of the mediator or on another procedure for appointing the mediator, the mediator shall be appointed by the Center after consultation with the parties.

  (b) The prospective mediator shall, by accepting appointment, be deemed to have undertaken to make available sufficient time to enable the mediation to be conducted expeditiously.

  Article 7

  The mediator shall be neutral, impartial and independent.

  Representation of Parties and Participation in Meetings

  Article 8

  (a) The parties may be represented or assisted in their meetings with the mediator.

  (b) Immediately after the appointment of the mediator, the names and addresses of persons authorized to represent a party, and the names and positions of the persons who will be attending the meetings of the parties with the mediator on behalf of that party, shall be communicated by that party to the other party, the mediator and the Center.

  Conduct of the Mediation

  Article 9

  The mediation shall be conducted in the manner agreed by the parties. If, and to the extent that, the parties have not made such agreement, the mediator shall, in accordance with these Rules, determine the manner in which the mediation shall be conducted.

  Article 10

  Each party shall cooperate in good faith with the mediator to advance the mediation as expeditiously as possible.

  Article 11

  The mediator shall be free to meet and to communicate separately with a party on the clear understanding that information given at such meetings and in such communications shall not be disclosed to the other party without the express authorization of the party giving the information.

  Article 12

  (a) As soon as possible after being appointed, the mediator shall, in consultation with the parties, establish a timetable for the submission by each party to the mediator and to the other party of a statement summarizing the background of the dispute, the party's interests and contentions in relation to the dispute and the present status of the dispute, together with such other information and materials as the party considers necessary for the purposes of the mediation and, in particular, to enable the issues in dispute to be identified.

  (b) The mediator may at any time during the mediation suggest that a party provide such additional information or materials as the mediator deems useful.

  (c) Any party may at any time submit to the mediator, for consideration by the mediator only, written information or materials which it considers to be confidential. The mediator shall not, without the written authorization of that party, disclose such information or materials to the other party.[page]

  Role of the Mediator

  Article 13

  (a) The mediator shall promote the settlement of the issues in dispute between the parties in any manner that the mediator believes to be appropriate, but shall have no authority to impose a settlement on the parties.

  (b) Where the mediator believes that any issues in dispute between the parties are not susceptible to resolution through mediation, the mediator may propose, for the consideration of the parties, procedures or means for resolving those issues which the mediator considers are most likely, having regard to the circumstances of the dispute and any business relationship between the parties, to lead to the most efficient, least costly and most productive settlement of those issues. In particular, the mediator may so propose:

  (i) an expert determination of one or more particular issues;

  (ii) arbitration;

  (iii) the submission of last offers of settlement by each party and, in the absence of a settlement through mediation, arbitration conducted on the basis of those last offers pursuant to an arbitral procedure in which the mission of the arbitral tribunal is confined to determining which of the last offers shall prevail; or

  (iv) arbitration in which the mediator will, with the express consent of the parties, act as sole arbitrator, it being understood that the mediator may, in the arbitral proceedings, take into account information received during the mediation.


  Article 14

  No recording of any kind shall be made of any meetings of the parties with the mediator.

  Article 15

  Each person involved in the mediation, including, in particular, the mediator, the parties and their representatives and advisors, any independent experts and any other persons present during the meetings of the parties with the mediator, shall respect the confidentiality of the mediation and may not, unless otherwise agreed by the parties and the mediator, use or disclose to any outside party any information concerning, or obtained in the course of, the mediation. Each such person shall sign an appropriate confidentiality undertaking prior to taking part in the mediation.

  Article 16

  Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, each person involved in the mediation shall, on the termination of the mediation, return, to the party providing it, any brief, document or other materials supplied by a party, without retaining any copy thereof. Any notes taken by a person concerning the meetings of the parties with the mediator shall be destroyed on the termination of the mediation.

  Article 17

  Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, the mediator and the parties shall not introduce as evidence or in any manner whatsoever in any judicial or arbitration proceeding:

  (i) any views expressed or suggestions made by a party with respect to a possible settlement of the dispute;

  (ii) any admissions made by a party in the course of the mediation;

  (iii) any proposals made or views expressed by the mediator;

  (iv) the fact that a party had or had not indicated willingness to accept any proposal for settlement made by the mediator or by the other party.

  Termination of the Mediation

  Article 18

  The mediation shall be terminated

  (i) by the signing of a settlement agreement by the parties covering any or all of the issues in dispute between the parties;

  (ii) by the decision of the mediator if, in the mediator's judgment, further efforts at mediation are unlikely to lead to a resolution of the dispute;

  (iii) by a written declaration of a party at any time after attending the first meeting of the parties with the mediator and before the signing of any settlement agreement.

  Article 19

  (a) Upon the termination of the mediation, the mediator shall promptly send to the Center a notice in writing that the mediation is terminated and shall indicate the date on which it terminated, whether or not the mediation resulted in a settlement of the dispute and, if so, whether the settlement was full or partial. The mediator shall send to the parties a copy of the notice so addressed to the Center.

  (b) The Center shall keep the said notice of the mediator confidential and shall not, without the written authorization of the parties, disclose either the existence or the result of the mediation to any person.

  (c) The Center may, however, include information concerning the mediation in any aggregate statistical data that it publishes concerning its activities, provided that such information does not reveal the identity of the parties or enable the particular circumstances of the dispute to be identified.

  Article 20

  Unless required by a court of law or authorized in writing by the parties, the mediator shall not act in any capacity whatsoever, otherwise than as a mediator, in any pending or future proceedings, whether judicial, arbitral or otherwise, relating to the subject matter of the dispute.[page]

  Registration Fee of the Center

  Article 21

  (a) The Request for Mediation shall be subject to the payment to the Center of a registration fee, which shall belong to the International Bureau of WIPO. The amount of the registration fee shall be fixed in accordance with the Schedule of Fees applicable on the date of the Request for Mediation.

  (b) The registration fee shall not be refundable.

  (c) No action shall be taken by the Center on a Request for Mediation until the registration fee has been paid.

  (d) If a party who has filed a Request for Mediation fails, within 15 days after a second reminder in writing from the Center, to pay the registration fee, it shall be deemed to have withdrawn its Request for Mediation.

  Fees of the Mediator

  Article 22

  (a) The amount and currency of the fees of the mediator and the modalities and timing of their payment shall be fixed, in accordance with the provisions of this Article, by the Center, after consultation with the mediator and the parties.

  (b) The amount of the fees shall, unless the parties and the mediator agree otherwise, be calculated on the basis of the hourly or, if applicable, daily indicative rates set out in the Schedule of Fees applicable on the date of the Request for Mediation, taking into account the amount in dispute, the complexity of the subject matter of the dispute and any other relevant circumstances of the case.


  Article 23

  (a) The Center may, at the time of the appointment of the mediator, require each party to deposit an equal amount as an advance for the costs of the mediation, including, in particular, the estimated fees of the mediator and the other expenses of the mediation. The amount of the deposit shall be determined by the Center.

  (b) The Center may require the parties to make supplementary deposits.

  (c) If a party fails, within 15 days after a second reminder in writing from the Center, to pay the required deposit, the mediation shall be deemed to be terminated. The Center shall, by notice in writing, inform the parties and the mediator accordingly and indicate the date of termination.

  (d) After the termination of the mediation, the Center shall render an accounting to the parties of any deposits made and return any unexpended balance to the parties or require the payment of any amount owing from the parties.


  Article 24

  Unless the parties agree otherwise, the registration fee, the fees of the mediator and all other expenses of the mediation, including, in particular, the required travel expenses of the mediator and any expenses associated with obtaining expert advice, shall be borne in equal shares by the parties.

  Exclusion of Liability

  Article 25

  Except in respect of deliberate wrongdoing, the mediator, WIPO and the Center shall not be liable to any party for any act or omission in connection with any mediation conducted under these Rules.

  Waiver of Defamation

  Article 26

  The parties and, by accepting appointment, the mediator agree that any statements or comments, whether written or oral, made or used by them or their representatives in preparation for or in the course of the mediation shall not be relied upon to found or maintain any action for defamation, libel, slander or any related complaint, and this Article may be pleaded in bar to any such action.

  Suspension of Running of Limitation Period under the Statute of Limitations

  Article 27

  The parties agree that, to the extent permitted by the applicable law, the running of the limitation period under the Statute of Limitations or an equivalent law shall be suspended in relation to the dispute that is the subject of the mediation from the date of the commencement of the mediation until the date of the termination of the mediation.

  Schedule of Fees

  (All amounts are in United States dollars)

  Fees of the Center

  Registration Fee (Article 21, WIPO Mediation Rules)

  1. The amount of the registration fee shall be 0.10% of the value of the mediation, subject to a maximum registration fee of $10,000. By way of example, the following registration fees would be payable where the value of the mediation is the following amounts:

  Value of Mediation

  Registration Fee







  $10,000,000 and above


  2. The value of the mediation is determined by the total value of amounts claimed.

  3. Where the Request for Mediation does not indicate any claims for a monetary amount or the dispute concerns issues that are not quantifiable in monetary amounts, a registration fee of $750 shall be payable, subject to adjustment. The adjustment shall be made by reference to the registration fee that the Center, after consultation with the parties and the mediator, determines in its discretion to be appropriate in the circumstances.[page]

  4. Any monetary amounts in dispute expressed in currencies other than United States dollars shall, for the purposes of calculating the registration fee, be converted to amounts expressed in United States dollars on the basis of the official United Nations exchange rate prevailing on the date of submission of the Request for Mediation.

  Mediators' Fees

  Indicative Hourly and Daily Rates (Article 22, WIPO Mediation Rules)



  Per hour $300


  Per day $1,500




  • 《中华人民共和国劳动争议调解仲裁法》第四十二条仲裁庭在作出裁决前,应当先行调解。调解达成协议的,仲裁庭应当制作调解书。调解书应当写明仲裁请求和当事人协议的结果。调解书由仲裁员签名,加盖劳动争议仲裁委员会印章,送达双方当事人。调解书经双方当事人签收后,发生法律效力。调解不成或者调解书送达前,一方当事人反悔的,仲裁庭应当及时作出裁决。
  • 一般被申请人申请撤销时间是30天,过了30天,劳动者是可以向法院要求强制执行的。《中华人民共和国劳动争议调解仲裁法》第四十九条用人单位有证据证明本法第四十七条规定的仲裁裁决有下列情形之一,可以自收到仲裁裁决书之日起三十日内向劳动争议仲裁委员会所在地的中级人民法院申请撤销裁决:(一)适用法律、法规确有错误的;(二)劳动争议仲裁委员会无管辖权的;(三)违反法定程序的;(四)裁决所根据的证据是伪造的;(五)对方当事人隐瞒了足以影响公正裁决的证据的;(六)仲裁员在仲裁该案时有索贿受贿、徇私舞弊、枉法裁决行为的。人民法院经组成合议庭审查核实裁决有前款规定情形之一的,应当裁定撤销。仲裁裁决被人民法院裁定撤销的,当事人可以自收到裁定书之日起十五日内就该劳动争议事项向人民法院提起诉讼。
  • 见《劳动争议调解仲裁法》第四十三条仲裁庭裁决劳动争议案件,应当自劳动争议仲裁委员会受理仲裁申请之日起四十五日内结束。案情复杂需要延期的,经劳动争议仲裁委员会主任批准,可以延期并书面通知当事人,但是延长期限不得超过十五日。逾期未作出仲裁裁决的,当事人可以就该劳动争议事项向人民法院提起诉讼。n仲裁庭裁决劳动争议案件时,其中一部分事实已经清楚,可以就该部分先行裁决。
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